“When someone can turn around their personal worst and make it a win, this is the true test of character.” — AJ Morrison (coach) Ironman Switzerland is a fantastic race with a breathtaking course that...Read More
Race morning, we left Simone and my mother at the hotel (it was 4:30, so a wise decision all around), and Greg (my husband), Sasha (oldest daughter), and I drove to the race site. Ironman...Read More
New to the Ironman circuit, the Cambridge, Maryland event has been around for years under a different name. Given its unique challenges, its official induction has generated enough buzz to make this race one of...Read More
Last week’s WSJ article on Ironman branding caused quite a stir among the triathlon community. I had the article sent to me several times, texted to me, posted on my Facebook page and I even...Read More
Please take a few minutes to complete our survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NAIMSurvey We would like to gather information regarding North America Ironman races to help us develop targeted content for our blog.Read More
In some ways, Holly Bennett gets it right in her January 2014 article in Triathlete magazine, “Multitasking to the Max” – there aren’t enough hours in the day for the lay person who balances work,...Read More